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The Signing Process enables JTact production devices to be able to run an app successfully. This documentation describes briefly the steps involved in this process.


To be able to sign and subsequently launch an app successfully, the following requirements need be met:

  • The app must be an Android-signed release APK rather than a debug APK. Debug APK's would sign successfully on the signing tool but would not have a successful run on the device.
  • Secret key (app.key) generated by the tool, or JTACT, for the app. This key must be kept safe and protected.
  • The JCH Smart Tool Kit.
  • Finally, a PC running Windows OS as the tool above only runs on Windows.


  1. Open the JCHSmart Tool Kit. Enter jtact as username and 123456 as password when prompted. The current version, we're using is 3.0.3a
  2. Click the File Signature tab in the app window.
  3. In the File Type dropdown, select APK.
  4. In the Custom ID text field, enter 1111 or 0000.
  5. Click the ... to the right of the SKey Path to browse to and select the secret key (app.key) key referenced above.
  6. To the right of File Path, click the ... once again to browse to and select the APK to be signed.
  7. Finally, click Signature and wait for a few moments.

The app should sign your APK successfully to the same directory as the APK.

Signing APK