Getting Started with Hubtel VISA SDK
This SDK helps you to interact with VISA API. Helpful methods include:
- Check if a card is a valid VISA card
- Push funds to a VISA account
- Pull funds from a VISA account
- Check the status of a push funds transaction
- Check the status of a pull funds transaction
In order to get started with Hubtel.VisaDirect.Sdk, do the following activities:
Install-Package Hubtel.VisaDirect.Sdk
The provided code snippet is a command that is used to install Hubtel.VisaDirect.Sdk
in a .NET project.
Install-Package Hubtel.VisaDirect.Sdk
Add to appsettings.json
The "HubtelVisaDirectConfig"
block contains four properties:
: This property specifies the base URL for the Visa API. In this case, it's set to the sandbox environment of the Visa API, which is a testing environment where developers can test their code without affecting live data."UserId"
: This property is a placeholder for the user ID required to authenticate with the Visa API. The actual user ID should be provided here."Password"
: This property is a placeholder for the password required to authenticate with the Visa API. The actual password should be provided here."CertificatePassword"
: This property is a placeholder for the password of the certificate used in the SSL/TLS handshake when establishing a secure connection to the Visa API. The actual certificate password should be provided here.
"HubtelVisaDirectConfig" : {
"BaseUrl": "",
"UserId": "<user_id>",
"Password": "<password>",
"CertificatePassword": "<certificate_password>"
Add to IServiceCollection in Program.cs or Startup.cs
services.AddHubtelVisaDirectSdk(option => {...})
- This line is adding the Hubtel Visa Direct SDK to the application's services. This is a method provided by the
package that sets up any necessary services for the SDK to function, such as HTTP clients or other dependencies.
The argument to AddHubtelVisaDirectSdk
is a lambda expression that configures the SDK. It uses the Configuration
object to retrieve the settings from the HubtelVisaDirectConfig
section of the application's configuration (usually found in appsettings.json
option.BaseUrl = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:BaseUrl"]
: Sets the base URL for the Visa API.option.UserId = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:UserId"]
: Sets the user ID for authentication with the Visa API.option.Password = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:Password"]
: Sets the password for authentication with the Visa API.option.CertificatePassword = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:CertificatePassword"]
:Sets the password for the certificate used in the SSL/TLS handshake when establishing a secure connection to the Visa API.
services.AddHubtelVisaDirectSdk(option =>
option.BaseUrl = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:BaseUrl"];
option.UserId = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:UserId"];
option.Password = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:Password"];
option.CertificatePassword = Configuration["HubtelVisaDirectConfig:CertificatePassword"];
Inject and consume service methods
private readonly IVisaDirectApi _visaDirectApi;
//P.S. be sure to include as constructor parameters
// Check if a card is a valid VISA card
var result = _visaDirectApi.IsValidVisaCard("<valid_card_number>");
// Push funds to a VISA account
var result = await _visaDirectApi.PushFunds(new PushFundsRequest {
Amount = "124.05",
SenderAddress = "901 Metro Center Blvd",
LocalTransactionDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s"),
PointOfServiceData = new PointOfServiceData
MotoECIIndicator = 0,
PanEntryMode = 90,
PosConditionCode = 00
RecipientPrimaryAccountNumber = "<valid_account_number>",
CardAcceptor = new CardAcceptor
Address = new CardAcceptorAddress
Country = "USA",
County = "San Mateo",
State = "CA",
ZipCode = "94404"
IdCode = "CA-IDCode-77765",
Name = "Visa Inc. USA-Foster City",
TerminalId = "TID-9999"
TransactionIdentifier = "381228649430015",
AcquirerCountryCode = "840",
AcquiringBin = "408999",
RetrievalReferenceNumber = "412770451018",
SenderCity = "Foster City",
SenderStateCode = "CA",
SystemsTraceAuditNumber = "451018",
SenderName = "Mohammed Qasim",
BusinessApplicationId = "AA",
MerchantCategoryCode = "6012",
TransactionCurrencyCode = "USD",
RecipientName = "rohan",
SenderCountryCode = "124",
SenderAccountNumber = "<valid_account_number>",
SourceOfFundsCode = "05",
SenderReference = "233245564356345",
// Pull funds from a VISA account
var result = _visaDirectApi.PullFunds(new PullFundsRequest {
Surcharge = "11.99",
Amount = "124.02",
LocalTransactionDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("s"),
CpsAuthorizationCharacteristicsIndicator = "Y",
RiskAssessmentData = new RiskAssessmentData
TraExemptionIndicator = "true",
TrustedMerchantExemptionIndicator = "true",
ScpExemptionIndicator = "true",
DelegatedAuthenticationIndicator = "true",
LowValueExemptionIndicator = "true"
CardAcceptor = new CardAcceptor
Address = new CardAcceptorAddress
Country = "USA",
County = "081",
State = "CA",
ZipCode = "94404"
IdCode = "ABCD1234ABCD123",
Name = "Visa Inc. USA-Foster City",
TerminalId = "ABCD1234"
AcquirerCountryCode = "840",
AcquiringBin = "408999",
SenderCurrencyCode = "USD",
RetrievalReferenceNumber = "330000550000",
AddressVerificationData = new AddressVerificationData
Street = "XYZ St",
PostalCode = "12345"
Cavv = "0700100038238906000013405823891061668252",
SystemsTraceAuditNumber = "451001",
BusinessApplicationId = "AA",
SenderPrimaryAccountNumber = "<valid_account_number>",
SettlementServiceIndicator = 9,
VisaMerchantIdentifier = "73625198",
ForeignExchangeFeeTransaction = "11.99",
SenderCardExpiryDate = "2023-10",
NationalReimbursementFee = "11.22",
// Check status of push funds transaction status
var result = _visaDirectApi.GetPushFundsTransactionStatus("330000550000");
// Check status of pull funds transaction status
var result = _visaDirectApi.GetPushFundsTransactionStatus("330000550000");