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Getting Started with Vodafone SDK

This SDK helps you to perform NameCheck/KYC operations on Vodafone Mobile Money.

In order to get started with Hubtel.Vodafone.Sdk, do the following activities:

Install-Package Hubtel.Vodafone.Sdk

The code snippet below is a command that is used to install Hubtel.Vodafone.Sdk package in a .NET project.

    Install-Package Hubtel.Vodafone.Sdk

Add to IServiceCollection in Program.cs or Startup.cs

services.Configure<VodafoneSettings>(c => Configuration.GetSection(nameof(VodafoneSettings)).Bind(c))

  • This line is configuring the settings for the Vodafone SDK. It uses the Configuration object's GetSection method to retrieve the VodafoneSettings section from the application's configuration (usually found in appsettings.json). The nameof operator is used to get the string name of the VodafoneSettings section in a type-safe manner.

  • The Bind method is then called on the configuration section, binding the configuration values to an instance of VodafoneSettings (c in the lambda expression). This means that the VodafoneSettings object will be populated with the settings from the VodafoneSettings section of the application's configuration.


  • This line is adding the Hubtel Vodafone SDK to the application's services. This is a method provided by the Hubtel.Vodafone.Sdk package that sets up any necessary services for the SDK to function, such as HTTP clients or other dependencies.
     services.Configure<VodafoneSettings>(c =>


Inject and consume service methods

private readonly IVodafoneApi _api;private readonly IVodafoneApiResponseParser _apiResponseParser;

  • These lines declare two private, read-only fields. _api is of type IVodafoneApi, which is an interface provided by the SDK for interacting with the Vodafone API. _apiResponseParser is of type IVodafoneApiResponseParser, which is an interface provided by the SDK for parsing responses from the Vodafone API.

var res = await _vodafoneApi.ValidateAccount("0500390299");

  • This line calls the ValidateAccount method of the _vodafoneApi object, passing in a string that appears to be a phone number. The ValidateAccount method is asynchronous, so it returns a task that is awaited using the await keyword. The result of the task is assigned to the res variable.

var res = _apiResponseParser.ParseCallbackResponsePayload(callback)

  • This line calls the ParseCallbackResponsePayload method of the _apiResponseParser object, passing in a variable named callback. The method parses a callback response from the Vodafone API and returns the result, which is assigned to the res variable.
    private readonly IVodafoneApi _api;    
    private readonly IVodafoneApiResponseParser _apiResponseParser;

    //P.S. be sure to include as constructor parameter

    //doing name check
    var res = await _vodafoneApi.ValidateAccount("0500390299");

    // parse a callback response xml
    var res = _apiResponseParser.ParseCallbackResponsePayload(callback);

Sample VodafoneSettings in appsetings.json

The "VodafoneSettings" block contains several properties:

  • "thirdPartyId": This property specifies the third-party ID, which is likely used for identification when interacting with the Vodafone API.

  • "password": This property specifies the password used for authentication with the Vodafone API.

  • "shortCode": This property specifies the short code, which is typically a unique identifier for a particular service or application.

  • "keyOwner": This property specifies the key owner, which could be a reference to the owner of an API key or similar credential.

  • "pin": This property specifies a PIN, which is likely another form of authentication.

  • "callbackUrl": This property is a placeholder for the URL where Vodafone API will send callback responses.

  • "timeout": This property specifies the timeout duration in seconds for API requests.

  • "kycUrl": This property is a placeholder for the URL of the Know Your Customer (KYC) service.

  • "kycCallerType", "kycInitiatorIDType", "kycInitiatorID", "kycReceiverPartyIDType", "kycCommandID": These properties are specific to the KYC service and likely specify various parameters for KYC requests.

    "VodafoneSettings": {
    "thirdPartyId": "SMSGH",
    "password": "82E35",
    "shortCode": "749000",
    "keyOwner": "1",
    "pin": "3745",
    "callbackUrl": "<call_back_url>",
    "timeout": 60,
    "kycUrl": "<kyc_url>",
    "kycCallerType": "2",
    "kycInitiatorIDType": "12",
    "kycInitiatorID": "9495",
    "kycReceiverPartyIDType": "1",
    "kycCommandID": "QueryCustomerKYC"