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Core Platform Library
The cornerstone of our mobile architecture is the core-platform library, which serves as the foundation for our app development efforts. This library comprises two essential facets:
Platform: The platform aspect of the core-platform library encompasses fundamental functionalities and utilities essential for building robust mobile applications. It includes features such as:
- API requester
- System or platform utility functions
- Storage functionalities (shared preferences, database, or file management)
UX: The UX facet of the core-platform library focuses on user experience components and resources vital for creating intuitive and visually appealing mobile interfaces. It provides:
- Views
- Components
- Navigation elements
- Color schemes
- Other essential resources (e.g., button components, empty state representations)
- Open pubspec.yaml: Ensure you're in your Flutter project directory and open the pubspec.yaml file.
- Add core_platform Dependency: In the dependencies: section of
, include the core_platform library by pointing to its Git repository and specifying the version. Here's the syntax:
url: [email protected]:v3/hubtel/Mobile-Apps/Platform-Library-Flutter-Core-Platform
ref: 1.0.36
- Get the Packages: Execute flutter pub get from your terminal within the Flutter project's root directory to download the core_platform library.Use the Library
- Use the Library: After successfully fetching the library, you can begin utilizing its platform functionalities by importing the required modules into your Flutter application.