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Getting Started with Hubtel AI GptDB PG SDK

This SDK allows you to bring an interactive experience to your Postgres Database. The SDK includes tools for working with artificial intelligence, related to the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models that the database is named after. The "PG" indicates that this SDK is specifically for a GPT-DB that uses PostgreSQL.

In order to get started with Hubtel.Ai.GptDb.Pg.Sdk, do the following activities

Install-Package Hubtel.Ai.GptDb.Pg.Sdk

The code snippet below is a command that's used in the NuGet Package Manager Console in Visual Studio. This command is written in PowerShell and installs the Hubtel.Ai.GptDb.Pg.Sdk into the current .NET project.

    Install-Package Hubtel.Ai.GptDb.Pg.Sdk

Add to appsettings.json

  • The ConnectionString property is set to "{YOUR_PG_CONN_STRING}". This is a placeholder for the connection string to a PostgreSQL database. You would replace {YOUR_PG_CONN_STRING} with your actual PostgreSQL connection string. This connection string is used to connect to the PostgreSQL database that underlies the GPT-DB (Generative Pretrained Transformer Database) in your application.

  • The OpenAiApiKey property is set to "{YOUR_OPEN_AI_KEY}". This is a placeholder for the API key you would need to interact with OpenAI's API. You would replace {YOUR_OPEN_AI_KEY} with your actual OpenAI API key. This key is used to authenticate your application's requests to the OpenAI API.

  • This configuration is used to set up the connection to the PostgreSQL database and authenticate the connection to the OpenAI API for the GptDbConfig component in your application.

    "ConnectionString": "{YOUR_PG_CONN_STRING}",

Add to IServiceCollection in Program.cs or Startup.cs

  • services.AddHubtelGptDbPg(c => _configuration.GetSection(nameof(GptDbConfig)).Bind(c)) is a method call to AddHubtelGptDbPg on the services object. The services object is of type IServiceCollection, which is a framework-provided interface that is used to register services to the application's dependency injection container during the startup configuration phase.

  • The AddHubtelGptDbPg method is likely an extension method that registers the Hubtel GPT-DB PostgreSQL SDK services into the application's dependency injection container. This allows the SDK's services to be injected into other parts of the application where they are needed.

  • The method takes c => _configuration.GetSection(nameof(GptDbConfig)).Bind(c) as an argument. This lambda expression is used to configure the options for the Hubtel GPT-DB PostgreSQL SDK. It retrieves the GptDbConfig section from the application's configuration (represented by _configuration), and binds it to the options object (c). This means that the settings in the GptDbConfig section of the configuration will be used to configure the SDK.

services.AddHubtelGptDbPg(c => _configuration.GetSection(nameof(GptDbConfig)).Bind(c));

Inject and consume service methods

  • The [ApiController] attribute is used to mark this class as a controller that responds to web API requests. The [Route("[controller]")] attribute sets the route template for the controller, where [controller] is a placeholder for the controller's name.

  • The [ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, Type = typeof(ApiResponse<EmptyDto>))] attribute indicates that actions in this controller can return a status code of 500 (Internal Server Error), with a response body of type ApiResponse<EmptyDto>. The [Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer")] attribute specifies that the controller requires Bearer token authentication.

  • The GptDbController class has two private readonly fields, _logger and _gptDbPgEngine, which are initialized via the constructor. _logger is of type ILogger<GptDbController>, which is used for logging. _gptDbPgEngine is of type IGptDbPgEngine, which is an interface defining operations related to the GPT-DB PostgreSQL engine.

  • The class has two action methods, GptPg and GptPgExamples. Both methods are decorated with several attributes that define their behavior as action methods, such as HTTP method ([HttpPost] or [HttpGet]), route ([Route("pg")] or [Route("pg/examples")]), and response type ([ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK)]). Both methods are asynchronous, returning a Task<IActionResult>.

  • The GptPg method takes two parameters, question and isSqlOnly, and uses the _gptDbPgEngine to generate SQL or query the database based on the question and isSqlOnly parameters.

  • The GptPgExamples method takes a count parameter and uses the _gptDbPgEngine to fetch a specified number of query samples.

[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, Type = typeof(ApiResponse<EmptyDto>))]
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer")]
public class GptDbController : HubtelApiControllerBase

    private readonly ILogger<GptDbController> _logger;
    private readonly IGptDbPgEngine _gptDbPgEngine;

    public GptDbController(ILogger<GptDbController> logger
        ,IGptDbPgEngine gptDbPgEngine)
        _logger = logger;
        _gptDbPgEngine = gptDbPgEngine;
    /// <summary>
    /// Translates natural language to PG SQL
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="question"></param>
    /// <param name="isSqlOnly"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    [SwaggerOperation(nameof(GptPg), OperationId = nameof(GptPg))]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GptPg(string question,bool isSqlOnly = false
        PgDbQueryResult response = null;
        if (isSqlOnly)
            response = await _gptDbPgEngine.GenerateSqlOnly(question);    
            response = await _gptDbPgEngine.QueryDb(question);
        return Ok(response);
    /// <summary>
    /// lists examples of PG SQL queries in natural language
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="count"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    [SwaggerOperation(nameof(GptPgExamples), OperationId = nameof(GptPgExamples))]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GptPgExamples(int count = 10)
        var response = await _gptDbPgEngine.FetchQuerySamples(count);
        return Ok(response);
