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Modal Integration

The modal integration method opens the checkout page in a modal popup. This is done by calling the openModal method of the Checkout SDK instance and passing the purchase information, configuration options and callBacks for event handling as parameters.


To use the Hubtel Checkout SDK to collect payment, install the NPM Package or include the the CDN link in your HTML file:

npm install hubtel-checkout

Then import it in the component where you want to use it

import CheckoutSdk from "hubtel-checkout";


Note: Before calling the Checkout SDK, most internal apps would call a Pre-Checkout API provided by their backend team.

Sample Pre-checkout Request:

  "amount": "1",
  "phoneNumber": "0200000000"

Sample Pre-checkout Response:

  "message": "success",
  "code": "200",
  "data": {
    "description": "Payment of GHS 1.00 for (18013782) (MR SOMUAH STA ADANE-233557913587) ",
    "clientReference": "f03dbdcf8d4040dd88d0a82794b0229f",
    "amount": 1.0,
    "customerMobileNumber": "233557913587",
    "callbackUrl": ""

The response from the Pre-Checkout API usually contains all information needed for a successful checkout. Once retrieved the data is then passed onto the Hubtel Checkout SDK to begin the checkout.


Example Usage

Collect the purchase information, configuration options and callbacks and pass them to openModal the method of the Checkout SDK instance.

<!-- In your HTML   -->

<form id="checkout-form">
    <label for="amount">Amount:</label>
    <input type="number" id="amount" name="amount" required />

    <label for="description">Description:</label>
    <input type="text" id="description" name="description" required />

    <label for="phone">Customer Phone Number:</label>
    <input type="tel" id="phone" name="phone" required />

  <button type="submit">Pay Now</button>

<div id="checkout-iframe"></div>
// In your javascript code

  .addEventListener("submit", function (event) {

    const amount = document.getElementById("amount").value;
    const description = document.getElementById("description").value;
    const phone = document.getElementById("phone").value;

    const checkout = new CheckoutSdk();

    const purchaseInfo = {
      amount: amount,
      purchaseDescription: description,
      customerPhoneNumber: phone,
      clientReference: "unique-client-reference-12345",

    const config = {
      branding: "enabled",
      callbackUrl: "", // Replace with your callback URL
      bearerToken: "[TOKEN]", // Replace with your actual token.
      integrationType: "Internal",
      branchId: "7", // Replace with branchId
      businessId: "ericacormey", // Replace with businessId

      callBacks: {
        onInit: () => console.log("Iframe Initialized"),
        onPaymentSuccess: (data) => console.log("Payment Success", data),
        onPaymentFailure: (data) => console.log("Payment Failure", data),
        onLoad: () => console.log("Iframe Loaded"),
        onFeesChanged: (fees) => console.log("Fees Changed", fees),
        onResize: (size) => console.log("Iframe Resized", size?.height),


purchaseInfoObjectContains details about the purchase.
amountnumberThe purchase amount.
purchaseDescriptionstringA brief description of the purchase.
customerPhoneNumberstringThe customer’s phone number.
clientReferencestringA unique reference for the purchase.
configObjectContains configuration options.
brandingstringSet to "enabled" to show Hubtel branding or "disabled" to hide it.
callbackUrlstringThe URL to which the SDK will send the response.
bearerTokenstringBearer Token
integrationTypestringSpecifies the integration type. Must be set to "Internal", which is the type used for internal integration.
businessIdstringThe ID of the business
callacksObjectCallback functions for various events.
onInitfunctionCalled when the iframe is initialized.
onPaymentSuccessfunctionCalled when the payment is successful.
onPaymentFailurefunctionCalled when the payment fails.
onLoadfunctionCalled when the iframe is loaded.
onFeesChangedfunctionCalled when the fees change.
onClosefunctionCalled when the the modal is closed.