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Getting Started with Inventory SDK

Inventory SDK provides tools and libraries that make it easier for developers to implement inventory management functionality in their applications. This could include features like tracking inventory levels, managing product information, handling orders and stock adjustments, and integrating with other systems like e-commerce platforms or warehouse management systems.

This SDK helps you to interact with Inveontory API.

In order to get started with Hubtel.Inventory.Sdk, do the following activities

Install-Package Hubtel.Inventory.Sdk

The provided command is a PowerShell command used in the NuGet Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to install a NuGet package.In this case, it's being used to install the Hubtel.Inventory.Sdk package.

    Install-Package Hubtel.Inventory.Sdk

Add to appsettings.json

  • The "InventoryConfig" block contains two properties:

  • "ProgrammableServiceUrl": This property is expected to hold the URL of a service endpoint. The placeholder text suggests that this endpoint provides some sort of programmable service details related to inventory management. In a real-world application, the placeholder would be replaced with the actual URL of the service.

  • "Timeout": This property specifies a timeout value in seconds. The comment indicates that the default value for this property is 45 seconds, but it has been set to 30 seconds in this case. This timeout could be used for any network requests made to the "ProgrammableServiceUrl", or for other operations related to the inventory service.

"InventoryConfig": {
    "ProgrammableServiceUrl": "http://programmable service detail endpoint",
    "Timeout": 30 //in seconds. Default is 45 seconds


Add to IServiceCollection in Program.cs or Startup.cs


  • This line is configuring an instance of InventoryConfig with the values from the InventoryConfig section of the application's configuration (usually found in appsettings.json). The InventoryConfig class would be a custom class defined in your application that matches the structure of the InventoryConfig section in your configuration file.


  • This line is adding the Hubtel Inventory SDK to the application's services. This is presumably a method provided by the Hubtel.Inventory.Sdk package that sets up any necessary services for the SDK to function, such as HTTP clients, database contexts, or other dependencies.

Inject and consume service methods

private readonly IInventoryApi _inventoryApi

  • This line declares a private, read-only field of type IInventoryApi named _inventoryApi. This interface presumably provides methods for interacting with an inventory system.

var resp = await _inventoryApi.GetProgrammableServiceDetail("programmable service ID here")

  • This line calls the GetProgrammableServiceDetail method of the _inventoryApi object, passing a placeholder string as the programmable service ID. This method is asynchronous, as indicated by the await keyword, so it returns a task that represents the ongoing operation. The await keyword also unwraps the result of the task once it's complete. The result of the operation is stored in the resp variable.

  • If the HasException property of the response is true, it means that an exception occurred while trying to get the programmable service detail. In this case, the code inside the first if block will be executed.

  • If no exception occurred and the IsSuccessful property of the response is true, it means that the operation was successful. In this case, the code inside the else if block will be executed.

    private readonly IInventoryApi _inventoryApi;    

    var resp = await _inventoryApi.GetProgrammableServiceDetail("programmable service ID here");

            // your logic
    else if(resp.IsSuccessful){
        //..your logic