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By leveraging these classes, you can effectively handle and parse various types of API responses within your application.

Nomenclature Guidelines for Variables, Functions, Classes, and Files

  1. Use Intention-Revealing Names: Choose names that convey the purpose or intent of the variable, function, class, or file.
  2. Avoid Disinformation: Do not use names that could mislead or confuse developers.
  3. Make Meaningful Distinctions: Ensure that names are distinct and meaningful, avoiding ambiguity.
  4. Use Pronounceable Names: Select names that are easy to pronounce and understand when spoken.
  5. Use Searchable Names: Choose names that are easy to search for within the codebase.
  6. Avoid Encodings: Refrain from adding prefixes or suffixes that encode additional information into names.
  7. Avoid Member Prefixes: Do not prefix variables or functions with unnecessary indicators of their scope or type.
  8. Avoid Mental Mapping: Opt for names that require minimal mental effort to understand their purpose.
  9. Naming Conventions for Classes and Objects:
    • Use noun or noun phrase names, such as Customer, Address, and AddressParser
    • Avoid verbs or non-descriptive terms like Manager, Data, or Info.
    • Class names should represent entities or objects within the system.
  10. Naming Conventions for Methods:
    • Use verb or verb phrase names for methods, like postPayment, deletePage, or save.
    • Accessors, mutators, and predicates should be prefixed with get, set, and is, respectively, and named for their value.
  11. Pick One Word per Concept: Maintain consistency by using a single term to represent each concept throughout the codebase.
  12. Avoid Pun: Refrain from using names that rely on wordplay or puns, as they can obscure meaning.
  13. Use Meaningful Naming for Files, Components, Directories, or Folders: Select names that accurately describe the contents or purpose of the item.