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Logging Duration Event

Tracks events over a period of time, logging the start and end to calculate duration. Useful for monitoring how long a user spends on an activity or how long a process takes.


  eventId: "OrderDeliveryDuration", // duration eventId should be in the format xxxDuration
  startTime: new Date(),
  endTime: new Date().getTime() + 3 * 1000000,
  eventDescription: "Oder delivery duration",
  sectionName: "EverydayEssentials",
  subSectionName: "Shop",
  userId: 02412345332,
  userEmail: "[email protected]",
  userName: "Addo Odame",
  userLocationLat: 37.7749,
  userLocationLong: 122.4194,
  userLocationName: "Kokomlele",
  userGender: "M",
  userCountry: "GH",
  extrasObject: {
    zone: "Adenta-Lakeside",
    station: "Madina",

Object Properties

Parameter NameDescription
eventIdThe unique identifier for the event. This should always be in PascalCase
eventDescriptionA description of the event.
sectionNameThe name of the section where the event occurred.
subSectionNameThe name of the subsection where the event occurred.
userIdThe unique identifier for the user. This is usually the user's phone number
userEmailThe email of the user.
userNameThe name of the user.
userLocationLatThe latitude of the user's location.
userLocationLongThe longitude of the user's location.
userLocationNameThe name of the user's location.
userGenderThe gender of the user.
userCountryThe country of the user.
extrasObjectAn object containing extra data for the event. These are product specific details that you'll want to record for every event
startTimeThe start time of the event.
endTimeThe end time of the event.