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JTACT Device Processor

The JTactProcessor class is a concrete implementation of the POSDeviceProcessor interface, specifically designed for processing payments with the JTact POS device. It manages the interaction between the application and the JTact device, handling card reading, EMV transactions, and charging processes.


  • context: The Android Context object, used for accessing resources and services.
  • viewModel: An instance of ChargeProcessor, which is responsible for initiating the charging process.
  • cardProcessResult: A MutableSharedFlow that emits results of card processing events.
  • cardProcessListener: A read-only SharedFlow that exposes the cardProcessResult to listeners.
  • chargeInfo: An optional ChargeInfo object containing details of the charge to be processed.
  • serialNumber: The serial number of the JTact device.
  • cardEntryMode: An enum representing the mode of card entry (swipe, insert, tap).
  • transData: A data structure holding transaction data for the current operation.


  • start(chargeInfo: ChargeInfo): Initiates the card processing flow, starting with searching for a card.
  • cancel(): Cancels the current card search and emits a cancellation event.
  • startCardSearch(readerType: EReaderType): Starts the card search process with the specified reader type.
  • onSearchCardResult(searchCardRet: SearchCardRet): Processes the result of the card search.
  • processMagSwipe(searchResult: SearchCardRet): Processes a magnetic stripe card transaction.
  • processICCRead(searchResult: SearchCardRet): Processes a contactless card transaction.
  • processPICCRead(searchResult: SearchCardRet): Processes an inserted card transaction.

The start Method

The start method is a suspending function that initiates the card processing workflow for the JTact POS device. It sets up the initial state, retrieves the device serial number, and begins the search for a card.

Flow of Execution

  1. The method assigns the provided chargeInfo to the class property this.chargeInfo.
  2. It retrieves the device serial number and logs it.
  3. It emits a CardProcessResult.Message with the chargeInfo.message to inform the user of the current status.
  4. It starts the card search process with the specified reader types.
  5. Depending on the result of the card search, it either processes the card information or emits an error.

Callback Implementations

  • onSearchCardResult(searchCardRet: SearchCardRet): This callback is triggered when card information is successfully retrieved. It determines the card entry mode and updates the transData accordingly. Then, it processes the card based on the entry mode.

Companion Object Constants

  • TAG: Logging tag for the class.


To use the JTactProcessor class, create an instance of the class and call the start method with a ChargeInfo object that contains the details of the charge to be processed. The class will manage the card reading process, EMV transactions, and emit results through the cardProcessListener shared flow.

val jTactProcessor = JTactProcessor(context)
val chargeInfo = // ... obtain or create a ChargeInfo instance

launch {

This documentation provides an overview of the JTactProcessor class, its properties, methods, and usage for processing payments with the JTact POS device.