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Getting Started with Hubtel Obsidian SDK

This SDK helps you to create , update and delete job schedules in obsidian.

In order to get started with Hubtel.Obsidian.Sdk, do the following activities:

Install-Package Hubtel.Obsidian.Sdk

The provided code snippet is a command that is used to install Hubtel.Obsidian.Sdk package in a .NET project.

    Install-Package Hubtel.Obsidian.Sdk

Add to appsettings.json

The "HubtelObsidianConfig" block contains several properties:

  • "Url": This property specifies the URL of the Obsidian service. In this case, it's set to a local development server running on port 8080.

  • "Username": This property specifies the username used for authentication with the Obsidian service. Here, it's set to "admin".

  • "Password": This property specifies the password used for authentication with the Obsidian service. Here, it's set to "changeme".

  • "Timeout": This property specifies the timeout duration in seconds for requests to the Obsidian service. Here, it's set to 45 seconds.

"HubtelObsidianConfig": {
    "Url" : "http://localhost:8080/rest/jobs/",
    "Username" : "admin",
    "Password" : "changeme",
    "TImeout" : 45

Add to IServiceCollection in Program.cs or Startup.cs

services.AddHubtelObsidianSdk(c => {...});

  • This line is adding the Hubtel Obsidian SDK to the application's services. This is presumably a method provided by the Hubtel.Obsidian.Sdk package that sets up any necessary services for the SDK to function, such as HTTP clients or other dependencies.

  • The AddHubtelObsidianSdk method takes a lambda expression as an argument, which configures the SDK settings:

  • c.Url = Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Url"]: Sets the URL of the Obsidian service.

  • c.Username = Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Username"]: Sets the username used for authentication with the Obsidian service.

  • c.Password = Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Password"] : Sets the password used for authentication with the Obsidian service.

  • c.Timeout = int.Parse(Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Timeout"]): Sets the timeout duration in seconds for requests to the Obsidian service.

  • The Configuration object is used to retrieve these settings from the application's configuration, which is typically stored in a file like appsettings.json.

services.AddHubtelObsidianSdk(c =>
    c.Url = Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Url"];
    c.Username = Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Username"];
    c.Password = Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Password"];
    c.Timeout = int.Parse(Configuration["HubtelObsidianConfig:Timeout"]);

Inject and consume service methods

private readonly IObsidianClient _obsidianClient;

  • This line declares a private, read-only field named _obsidianClient of type IObsidianClient. This is presumably an interface provided by the Hubtel Obsidian SDK for interacting with the Obsidian service.

The following lines of code demonstrate how to create, update, and delete job schedules using the _obsidianClient:

var request = ObsidianRequest.CreateRequest("test3444", "http://localhost:7989", DateTime.Now.AddDays(7))

  • This line creates a new ObsidianRequest object with a job name, a callback URL, and a date when the job should be executed.

var response = await _obsidianClient.CreateJob(request);

  • This line sends the ObsidianRequest to the Obsidian service to create a new job schedule. The response from the service is stored in the response variable.

var response = await _obsidianClient.UpdateJob(new ObsidianUpdateRequest {...}, "205");

  • This line sends an ObsidianUpdateRequest to the Obsidian service to update an existing job schedule. The job schedule to update is identified by the string "205". The ObsidianUpdateRequest object specifies the new schedule, state, effective date, and end date for the job.

var response = await _obsidianClient.DeleteJob("203");

  • This line sends a request to the Obsidian service to delete an existing job schedule. The job schedule to delete is identified by the string "203".
private readonly IObsidianClient _obsidianClient;

//To Create a Job Schedule 
var request = ObsidianRequest.CreateRequest("test3444", "http://localhost:7989", DateTime.Now.AddDays(7));
var response = await _obsidianClient.CreateJob(request);

//To Update a Job Schedule
var response = await _obsidianClient.UpdateJob(new ObsidianUpdateRequest
    Schedule =  "19 * * 9 *",
    State = "ENABLED",
    EffectiveDate = "2021-01-15T16:19:00+0000",
    EndDate = "2021-01-30T20:17:00+0000"
}, "205");

//To Delete a Job Schedule
var response = await _obsidianClient.DeleteJob("203");