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Getting Started with Refit
Refit is a library for generating type-safe HTTP clients in .NET. It allows you to turn your API into a live interface with annotated methods that represent your API endpoints! Refit then generates an implementation of that interface at runtime using your HTTPClient, providing a simple and type-safe way to make HTTP requests and handle responses.
In order to get started with Refit, do the following activities
Installing Refit Package
Install-Package Refit
Add HttpClient with base URL in Startup or Configuration class
After installing the Refit package, it can be configured to use a specific HTTP client implementation in your Startup or Configuration class as follows:
services.AddHttpClient("MyApiClient", client =>
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");//Replace with your base URL
Add Refit API interface with HttpClient in Startup or Configuration class
services.AddRefitClient<IMyApi>() //Replace with the name of your API interface
.ConfigureHttpClient(c => c.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ApiKey", "YOUR_API_KEY"))//Replace with API header name and API key value
.SetHandlerLifetime(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)) // Adjust the lifetime as needed
.AddHttpMessageHandler<YourCustomHandler>(); // Add any custom handlers if required
Sample Usage
After installing Refit and configuring with your HTTP client, this is a sample use case to see how it works.
Define API Interface representing API endpoints
public interface IMyApi
Task<User> GetUser(string id);
Task<User> CreateUser([Body] User user);
Task<User> UpdateUser(string id, [Body] User user);
Task DeleteUser(string id);
Inject API interface and consume API enpoint methods in Services or anywhere in your code!
public class UserService
private readonly IMyApi _myApi;
public UserService(IMyApi myApi)
_myApi = myApi;
public async Task<User> GetUser(string id)
return await _myApi.GetUser(id);
public async Task<User> CreateUser(User user)
return await _myApi.CreateUser(user);
public async Task<User> UpdateUser(string id, User user)
return await _myApi.UpdateUser(id, user);
public async Task DeleteUser(string id)
await _myApi.DeleteUser(id);
Further Readings
Follow this link to learn more.
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