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New Tool Request

The New Tool Request channel is designated space for team members to request for new tools to be created. This is to ensure that, developers have the necessary tools to work efficiently and effectively. It also provides a more organized and well streamlined process for requesting and creating new tools.

Steps to Request a New Tool

To make a request for a new tool, please follow the steps below:

  1. Access the new repository request channel here.

  2. Start a New Post.

  3. Add the subject: New Tool Request.

  4. In the message body, please provide the following information in the specified format:

    Tool Name: [Tool Name - Suggest any suitable name if there is none]
    Tool Description: [Briefly describe the purpose and functionality of the tool.]
    Use Case: [Explain the specific problem or need the tool will address.]
    Tool Type: [Desired Tool Type - Frontend/Backend/API]

Track the Status of Your Request

Once your request is submitted, the Tooling team will pick up your and initiate the creation of the tool if necessary. You can track the status of your request from the Task Board tab in the channel.